Free Art Friday in the ICT

I participated in #freeartfriday when I was in Austin, but weekly was just to much. I decided to try to start something monthly here to coincide with Final Friday ICT. Since, I just got over my leather block and the title of MakeICT's gallery show is Making A Silver Lining . So,  I decided to incorporate elements of the show and leather work into my free art. Thanks, to sojochick for sharing the piece she found at the Keeper.

Leather block

I had a leather block. I don't know why I was resistant, but I was. I'd been looking for good books on leather, but had only come up with about 3, so I purchased them. For the next year they just sat, I'd flip through them and look at the pictures but that was it. Finally, I cracked open How to Sew Leather, Suede, Fur in no time I had read 4 chapters and created a simple pattern. Why had I ever resisted. It's not like I haven't ever sewn leather. I had sewn leather pillows in the past, heck I even worked temporarily making leather seats for airplanes. Well that's all behind me now. And those 4  20 gallon trash cans of leather we purchased at an estate sale, now they have a purpose.


The book that broke my block


My first leather project

class in the works

Great week of Teaching

I taught a Know your Sewing machine class and Sewing Fabric and Metal class. My students were thrilled and every time I teach, I think, I learn something as well. In the sewing fabric and metal class we ended up working with leather. I can't wait to see what my student creates and I am inspired too.  If you're in Wichita you can check the calendar or contact me for private lessons


Learning to production sew

The training cell is right next to the prototype cell at work. They produce large amounts of practice work that is just destine for the landfill. I've started collecting those pieces, in hopes of creating something artistic out of them. 

sewing samples.jpg

Here's some images closer up with details of the stitches.

I missed a post

Here's where I would normally berate myself for not doing something that I promised myself to do. Not this time SATAN. For your enjoyment I've posted some pictures of things I've done below. We're all human and all we can do is keep trying to be the best at whatever we do.

Making a Fabric Sculpture

I'm submitting a piece called Seeds of the Wind, for the MakeICT Final Friday show Making The Wind Blow. I did some test samples tonight and am beyond thrilled and excited as to how they turned out. I can't wait to produce my 3-5 seed over the next week. Looking forward to sharing my progress. 


My sample better than imagined

stay tuned...


Here's a hint

one of my seeds

Wichita Broadsides

We're always creating art as a family. It's fun to create together and use that creativity to create problem solving skills. When I saw that Harvester and River City Poets had teamed up to create this event. I knew it was something I wanted to do, but could  I get my family involved? Emotions aren't always easy to express, but we found a way to express and work through them with art.




I also found a partner in Roy Beckemeyer, I have posted links to our works on his blog below as well as images. He put things into words that I can only express with images.


Type-O Premature

Solar Flairs

Broadsides Details


When we moved to Wichita, we didn't know anyone. After working my butt off for 6 months, my employer decided to go another way. Being in a town 8 hours from home and virtually knowing no one was a daunting situation. I struggled to find fiber related peeps and still do, but I had another though and found a tribe I've grown to love. After being on the fringes of the maker movement in Austin, it occurred me to google "maker space" and I was happy to see  Wichita had one, MakeICT. Here I've found a group of like minded people, who can also help inspire my mini maker. I don't have all the skills he needs to be the maker he wants to grow into, he want's to be a robotics engineer. I'm glad to have my community and have other makers to help fill in the gaps for him.  They also love me back, check out my Featured Maker article here


I've been ill and lost my project

It's true and embarrassing. I've been so sick, and so tired from being sick, I've misplaced my project. Hopefully it will turn up soon. Until it decides to turn back up I'll have to find something else to do.


I worked in and managed a drapery workroom for a little over 5 years. I'm missing making draperies and home décor right now. I have been wanting to make samples and post of different pleats. I hope to start doing that in the coming weeks.. 

I worked in and managed a drapery workroom for a little over 5 years. I'm missing making draperies and home décor right now. I have been wanting to make samples and post of different pleats. I hope to start doing that in the coming weeks.. 

Where I find inspiration

Inspiration is all around us books, in places, on the internet. Take what you see, put your on twist on it and make it your own.


The Yard







on-line facebook groups, pintrest, ect......

Lets Make a Scarf

You will need 3/8 of a yard of 3 different fleeces

Cut and sew time about an hour and a half

flip time about the same watching TV


Random Stitches


Kansas State Fair 2017

I won 2 ribbons. First Place Quilt on a Stick and 3rd place Home décor,


Close up


8x9 in quilt on a stick Farriswheel



the haul