Why silk mask?

I want to stay cool and protected while being comfortable. Those factors and others lead to my mask development.

In April 2007 I had to have all 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed because 2 were impacted and I’m basically allergic to all antibiotics except Cipro. This caused nerve damage around my mouth that makes my face sensitive to touch, hot, and cold. Basically my right bottom lip feels like pins and needles almost constantly and a mask just adds to the frustration. Working 10 hour days, in a 80 degree factory doesn’t help either. So I went to work looking for the best I could do for my face, to keep me comfortable and protected, as I’m also a cancer survivor. The following are places i found information that lead to the type of mask I developed for myself and now share with you. While having the extra layers of non-woven polypropylene are probably overkill, I’d rather go above and beyond than just do the bare minimum.

“The researchers pointed out that tightly woven fabrics, such as cotton, can act as a mechanical barrier to particles; whereas fabrics that hold a static charge, like certain types of chiffon and natural silk, can serve as an electrostatic barrier. The electrostatic effect serves to suck in and hold the tiniest particles, which might otherwise slip through holes in the cotton. This is key to how N95 masks are constructed.”

University of Chicago Research

Which Material is Most Hydrophobic?

Why cotton and silk mask?

My First Weeks of Sales

in 2018 I spent nearly a year writing and building my traffic with the plan to launch products on my website. Somewhere along the way I got derailed. Life is odd, unpredictable, and full of curve balls. We roll with the punches and do the best we can with what we have. I vowed at some point to launch and that point kept getting push back and back and back again. July 1st I finally did it, not with the product or the way I though I would but I finally spread my wings. Thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope to bring other product and items to the table in the near future.

Mask, Mask , and more Mask

The world did a complete 180 and the “new norm” is not better than the “old norm”. Like everyone else I’ve been trying to navigate all of this, cope, and find new outlets or diversions. March seems like a lifetime ago, 15 weeks can have profound effect on a persons life. Hear I am ready to launch my latest obsession. #makemaskfashionable